Yacht Trailer Wiring Guide For UAE

Yacht Trailer Wiring Guide For Dubai

To legally tow a Yacht on public roads, you have to have a functioning signaling system in place. You accomplish that by wiring the trailer to your vehicle, thus ensuring that your signals will be in sync with the ones you operate from your car. This is not only a convenience for everybody else on the road but an essential safety measure for you as well.

You also need working tail lights and brake lights on your trailer to ensure you don’t get pulled over by a police officer who’s only trying to maintain the safety of everyone on the road. For your own sake, properly wiring a Yacht trailer will go a long way toward giving yourself a more pleasant afternoon with the Yacht. Here’s what you need to know.

Identify The Trailer Wiring System First

The First Step Is To Identify The Type Of Wiring System Your Yacht Uses:

  • The two-wire system is very common and a simple way of matching up your trailer with your vehicle. The stop/brake signals and the turn signals will be communicated along one wire, with the taillight system coming along a separate wire.
  • The three-wire system is very common for cars. It will send your stop/tail/turn signals along three distinct wires. You’ll likely need a converter to properly tow a trailer, sometimes known as a “three-to-two” converter.

There are other types of systems that your Yacht trailer may use, so make sure that you consult its individual instructions to see if your Yacht trailer has any specific needs.

Nanje Marine Service Company Dubai

Do you have a boat and need a trailer for rent in Dubai to haul it with? You now have the option of trailering your boat to different islands or better fishing grounds in Dubai. We have 2 different trailers on rent in Dubai to fit boats up to 50ft long and a maximum weight of 4900 lbs. Nanje Yachts also specialize in yacht rental Dubai.